About me

Hi Everyone!

I am Marcia from Marcia’s Wholesome Kitchen (MWK). My life-long passion for food, health and cooking has inspired me to start working as a chef and creating and running Marcia’s Wholesome Kitchen in my spare time.

About four years ago, I was struggling with my inner conflict of fear and desire.  Why fear?

Well, at that time I had been in my reasonably comfortable existence in a different profession in a corporate environment (in a physical sense. You probably know that a chef profession is very physically demanding.  My sudden decision to leave the profession behind and go back to study new fields – ‘Commercial Cooking’ and ‘Nutrition’ got my mom a little worried to say the least.  I still remember my mom’s  deep sigh. ‘Why are you leaving a good job and doing such a hard job?’  In fact, it was not ‘sudden’, I had been soul-searching quite a few years prior… In hindsight, cooking was so easy and natural for me since childhood. I used to do a mini cooking when my mom was away.  As an adult, great feedback on food from friends and family was taken for granted.  I resisted and resisted it whatever reasons might be.  

To be honest, when embarking on studying Cooking and Nutrition,  I did not consider being a chef. But what I did know was that I have been passionate about food, cooking and nutrition and have always wanted to share and inspire people to have a healthy diet and holistic lifestyle through a wholesomely yummy cooking and exercise. A healthy lifestyle is possible with healthy eating along with regular physical exercise.

I still get very excited when learning about fresh produce/foreign ingredients that I have never known before.  I love the whole creative process of imaging, testing, retesting, writing or polishing recipes and creating a beautiful and delish plate that is pleasing to eyes and nourishing body and mind with vibrant and diverse wholefood ingredients.

Stay delicious, healthy and vibrantly youthful

The aim at MWK is simple – delicious, healthy and vibrantly youthful and sexy!

I believe in the power of real wholefoods. You don’t have to be a vegan or vegetarian to experience the amazing health benefits of such a diverse and colourful plant-based wholefoods. Diversity and balance is one of the important keys for leading a healthy diet.

I would like to share posts about everything about cooking, kitchen and food, and healthy lifestyle, and to share simple and easy recipes that can nourish you and make you salivate with vibrant and delicious plates.

I hope you enjoy the content.